Stroud Hockey club

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Walking Hockey

18 May 2023 | John Osborn
Walking Hockey

Welcome to walking hockey – it’s a stroll in the park

Stroud Hockey Club is delighted to announce that it is offering a new sport - ‘walking hockey’.

The weekly sessions are on the Astroturf pitch at Stratford Park Leisure Centre, from 10am until 11am each Tuesday morning. The new initiative offers older hockey fans, (both men and women) the chance to continue to play the sport they love. For those who have never played hockey and fancy a go, coaching and sticks will be available.

There will be the opportunity to practise skills, learn new moves, play a game and have fun.

The charge is £5 per person.

Walking hockey teams can range from 3 players-a-side upwards and there is no goal keeper. The ball is slightly larger and lighter than a normal hockey ball and only ‘slapping’ and ‘pushing’ the ball are allowed.

Trainers, not studded boots, are essential. A bottle of water and clothing layers are recommended.

Pauline Edgington, a life member and former Chair of Stroud Hockey Club, is organising the new walking hockey initiative for the club.

“I am thrilled that Stroud is offering walking hockey alongside its many junior and adult teams,” she said. “For many ex-players hockey becomes a distant memory as Saturdays become young family days, dodgy joints make running difficult, or work gets in the way. I discovered walking hockey after getting a new hip and it’s fantastic to be playing again and to feel part of a team, even if afterwards we are more likely to go for a coffee than for a pint!”

If you would like to know more, then please email Pauline at Message PM Edgington, or just turn upon a Tuesday morning!

About walking hockey:

Many field hockey clubs see the opportunity of adding a walking hockey section. This enables older players to continue to play the game they love whilst offering the wider community the opportunity to connect with a sport that offers fitness, emotional and physical well being.

All players are restricted to walking, meaning that one foot must be touching the ground at all times. Both the stick and ball must remain below waist height and there is no physical contact. There is no goal keeper or kicking back.

There are few rules and the size of the pitch and number of players can be adjusted to suit the group. Please find these rules linked below

members nameclub role
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